Run BXC Invitational 2023

Bozeman, MT

Run BXC Invitational 2023 vs Run BXC Invitational 2024

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes -117 312 429
Overall Average +0.74 24:00.87 24:00.13
1st-10th Place -16.10 16:53.90 17:10.00
1st-25th Place +1.08 17:48.72 17:47.64
1st-50th Place +5.84 18:35.60 18:29.76
1st-100th Place +21.77 19:46.51 19:24.74
Common Athletes -- -- 134
Ran Faster -38 48 86
Ran Season Best -1 -- 1
Average Time +26.83 23:25.78 22:58.95
Median Time +21.00 22:43.00 22:22.00
Middle 80% Times +26.41 23:09.84 22:43.43
Top 10% Times +17.43 17:57.71 17:40.29
Top 25% Times +14.38 19:02.32 18:47.94
Top 50% Times +23.48 20:25.34 20:01.87
Bottom 50% Times +30.18 26:26.22 25:56.04
Bottom 25% Times +34.65 28:52.00 28:17.35
Bottom 10% Times +44.36 31:44.00 30:59.64
Average Difference +26.83 -- --
Median Difference +17.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference +21.38 -- --
Top 10% Difference +24.71 -- --
Top 50% Difference +23.21 -- --
Top 25% Difference +13.59 -- --
Top 50% Difference +23.21 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference +30.45 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference +34.38 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference +1:01.36 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
Lucas Keith Billings West High School -22.00 16:25.00 16:47.00
Kye Mcabee Billings West High School +9.00 16:45.00 16:36.00
Owen Smith Billings West High School +1:42.00 18:35.00 16:53.00
Chandler Christensen Skyview High School +1:04.00 18:13.00 17:09.00
Julius Yeager Billings West High School -21.00 17:13.00 17:34.00
Layne Niemeyer Skyview High School -1:42.00 17:30.00 19:12.00
Garrett Walker Belgrade High School +27.00 18:05.00 17:38.00
Ethan Bellcock Belgrade High School +1:21.00 19:01.00 17:40.00
Caleb Burton Laurel High School -21.00 17:43.00 18:04.00
George Bentler Billings Sr High School +42.00 18:28.00 17:46.00
Shaphan Hubner Manhattan Christian +22.00 18:19.00 17:57.00
Sean Junco Billings West High School +42.00 18:46.00 18:04.00
Hunter Farris Skyview High School -17.00 18:14.00 18:31.00
Noah Miller Skyview High School +40.00 18:54.00 18:14.00
Nolan Flynn Broadwater High School +51.00 19:22.00 18:31.00
Cavin Visser Manhattan Christian -2.00 18:33.00 18:35.00
Elias Wight Billings Sr High School -4:40.00 18:41.00 23:21.00
Chase Mclean Laurel High School -34.00 18:44.00 19:18.00
Evan Aadland Skyview High School +1:32.00 20:17.00 18:45.00
Devin Blaschak Billings West High School -36.00 18:46.00 19:22.00
Jacob Christensen Skyview High School +10.00 19:14.00 19:04.00
Karter Kluck Belgrade High School +50.00 20:07.00 19:17.00
Beau Dringmon Billings West High School -37.00 19:23.00 20:00.00
Liam Radakovich Skyview High School +1:56.00 21:20.00 19:24.00
Gabe Huber Beaverhead Co High School +1:53.00 21:17.00 19:24.00
Aiden Palmiter Billings West High School +42.00 20:17.00 19:35.00
Olen Given Laurel High School +31.00 20:09.00 19:38.00
Will Fennelly Gallatin +31.00 20:09.00 19:38.00
Will Wallace Billings West High School -29.00 19:40.00 20:09.00
Anton Delavan Billings Sr High School +12.00 19:54.00 19:42.00
Shaun Madden Skyview High School -51.00 19:43.00 20:34.00
Tavin Hurd Skyview High School +48.00 20:32.00 19:44.00
Gabriel Spencer Gallatin +2:10.00 22:13.00 20:03.00
Eli Conver Billings West High School +28.00 20:33.00 20:05.00
James Hurd Skyview High School -1:13.00 20:18.00 21:31.00
Jayden Delavan Billings West High School -54.00 20:22.00 21:16.00
Coby Conger Gallatin -43.00 20:24.00 21:07.00
Walter Given Laurel High School +2:28.00 22:53.00 20:25.00
Ethan DeLeon Billings Sr High School +2:04.00 22:30.00 20:26.00
Oliver Brown Billings Sr High School +23.00 20:51.00 20:28.00
Wyatt Maynard Billings Sr High School +1:00.00 21:29.00 20:29.00
Ava Greenwell Skyview High School +35.00 21:09.00 20:34.00
John Burroughs Bozeman High School +4:03.00 24:37.00 20:34.00
Harrison Banderop Billings Sr High School +38.00 21:12.00 20:34.00
Ryder Trees Billings Sr High School -1:12.00 20:35.00 21:47.00
Ryan Ketcher Belgrade High School -2:07.00 20:40.00 22:47.00
Rylan Hoveland Broadwater High School +2:18.00 23:08.00 20:50.00
Keldon Lovell Skyview High School +1:38.00 22:29.00 20:51.00
Zach Simms Gallatin +45.00 21:40.00 20:55.00
Finn Graden Ennis High School +34.00 21:30.00 20:56.00
Trever White Skyview High School +1:03.00 22:00.00 20:57.00
Ethan Leeson Skyview High School -5.00 21:02.00 21:07.00
Peter Kelley Ennis High School +43.00 21:48.00 21:05.00
Nolan Aengst Bozeman High School +1:27.00 22:33.00 21:06.00
Mitchell Clavadetscher Laurel High School +1:28.00 22:36.00 21:08.00
Porter Hopman Beaverhead Co High School +42.00 21:54.00 21:12.00
Thatcher Schmidt Belgrade High School +1:34.00 22:56.00 21:22.00
Addison Hale Billings West High School +28.00 21:55.00 21:27.00
Kyla Meissner Broadwater High School -3.00 21:29.00 21:32.00
Cohen Allen Billings West High School -24.00 21:29.00 21:53.00
Dexter French Billings Sr High School -1:10.00 21:36.00 22:46.00
Amelia Brown Belgrade High School +3:24.00 25:01.00 21:37.00
Breeana Helfrich Belgrade High School +23.00 22:06.00 21:43.00
Joshua Kimm Manhattan Christian +43.00 22:27.00 21:44.00
Wade Bekkedahl Billings West High School +1:05.00 22:52.00 21:47.00
Gracyn Rock Skyview High School +31.00 22:20.00 21:49.00
Emma Miller Skyview High School -14.00 22:08.00 22:22.00
Kellen Booth Skyview High School -17.00 22:08.00 22:25.00
Sydney Patterson Billings West High School +4.00 22:15.00 22:11.00
Annabelle Petersen Billings West High School +24.00 22:40.00 22:16.00
Matthew Plumb Skyview High School +1:01.00 23:17.00 22:16.00
Kayonna Silvis Billings West High School +2:07.00 24:24.00 22:17.00
Nora Sundstrom Skyview High School -1:01.00 22:22.00 23:23.00
Kaelyn Sangray Broadwater High School +43.00 23:13.00 22:30.00
Owen Marquardt Laurel High School +6.00 22:38.00 22:32.00
Gracie Shea Skyview High School -54.00 22:38.00 23:32.00
Orson Pommerville Belgrade High School +17.00 22:58.00 22:41.00
Ross Macdonald Broadwater High School -4:48.00 22:43.00 27:31.00
Thomas Root Billings Sr High School +1:57.00 24:49.00 22:52.00
Ellie Wolcott Skyview High School -1:08.00 22:55.00 24:03.00
Marisal Richards Billings Sr High School +2:41.00 25:37.00 22:56.00
Shepherd Trees Billings Sr High School -6.00 23:00.00 23:06.00
Jacob Croft Billings Sr High School +2:01.00 25:04.00 23:03.00
Luke Tullos Broadwater High School +5:05.00 28:17.00 23:12.00
Cole Harris Skyview High School -3:08.00 23:17.00 26:25.00
Brooklyn Baird Billings West High School +1:42.00 25:02.00 23:20.00
Madisyn Gordon Skyview High School +24.00 23:49.00 23:25.00
Ella Rolfe Ennis High School +34.00 23:59.00 23:25.00
Bradee White Skyview High School -11.00 23:33.00 23:44.00
Maren Rice Billings West High School +1:15.00 24:51.00 23:36.00
Emerson Daniels Gallatin +2:27.00 26:03.00 23:36.00
Hannah Stecker Ennis High School -11.00 23:39.00 23:50.00
Noah Boll Skyview High School -25.00 23:49.00 24:14.00
Madelyn Murphy Billings West High School +2:22.00 26:12.00 23:50.00
Amber Rolfe Ennis High School +12.00 24:03.00 23:51.00
Aspen Wright Laurel High School +1:19.00 25:12.00 23:53.00
Jordan Mercer Whitehall High School -3:32.00 23:55.00 27:27.00
Keaton Cavasos Broadwater High School +6:31.00 30:26.00 23:55.00
Ula Jones Billings Sr High School -1:12.00 24:01.00 25:13.00
Layton Wood Skyview High School +18.00 24:21.00 24:03.00
Alexis Hecht Billings West High School -42.00 24:10.00 24:52.00
Brennen Corey Laurel High School -3:02.00 24:13.00 27:15.00
Addie Townsend Billings West High School -53.00 24:35.00 25:28.00
Alethia Martin Whitehall High School +1:00.00 25:48.00 24:48.00
Janaya Sykes Bozeman High School +9.00 24:59.00 24:50.00
Ella Groshans Skyview High School -30.00 24:51.00 25:21.00
Nizhone Jenkins Bozeman High School -46.00 24:52.00 25:38.00
Kate Lueken Billings Sr High School +2:24.00 27:26.00 25:02.00
Jonni Stewart Billings Sr High School -15.00 25:08.00 25:23.00
Ebony Evans Billings Sr High School +2:32.00 27:45.00 25:13.00
Jaylyn Herron Billings Sr High School -2:05.00 25:36.00 27:41.00
Raquel Stewart Billings Sr High School -34.00 25:40.00 26:14.00
Emma Wilhelm Billings West High School +1:57.00 27:54.00 25:57.00
Sophia Wisecup Laurel High School +1:17.00 27:14.00 25:57.00
Jarred Fenton Billings Sr High School +2:36.00 28:34.00 25:58.00
Noble Hurd Skyview High School +2:44.00 28:46.00 26:02.00
Parker Strever Laurel High School -3:06.00 26:06.00 29:12.00
Ambrosia Morninggun Billings Sr High School +12.00 26:47.00 26:35.00
Dayna Otis Billings Sr High School +57.00 28:00.00 27:03.00
Emily Bennett Skyview High School -2:06.00 27:27.00 29:33.00
Cloey Feely Billings West High School +23.00 28:07.00 27:44.00
Jocelyn Blanding Billings Sr High School +29.00 28:19.00 27:50.00
Abbilee Runsabove Billings Sr High School +1:47.00 29:41.00 27:54.00
Mia Chatwood Laurel High School +1:48.00 29:44.00 27:56.00
Madelyn Davis Billings Sr High School +45.00 29:15.00 28:30.00
Riley Fenton Billings Sr High School +2:49.00 31:40.00 28:51.00
Lydia Visser Manhattan Christian -37.00 29:06.00 29:43.00
Madilyn Richards Billings Sr High School -1:38.00 29:34.00 31:12.00
Grace Kroeger Broadwater High School +2:07.00 32:22.00 30:15.00
Megan Baumgardner Gallatin -28.00 30:33.00 31:01.00
Kenzie Kingman Billings Sr High School +2:37.00 34:56.00 32:19.00
Sadie MacAskill Billings Sr High School +2:09.00 34:33.00 32:24.00
Kloey Noack Ennis High School +1:06.00 36:54.00 35:48.00
Leah Greenwell Skyview High School -2:31.00 36:46.00 39:17.00