Mission Shadow Duels 2019 vs Mission Shadow Duels 2017

Aggregate Data Points
Difference This Meet That Meet
Overall Athletes +21 226 205
Overall Average -39.83 23:09.83 23:49.66
1st-10th Place -41.90 16:58.00 17:39.90
1st-25th Place -50.68 17:34.20 18:24.88
1st-50th Place -47.74 18:21.40 19:09.14
1st-100th Place -46.79 19:37.71 20:24.50
Common Athletes -- -- 32
Ran Faster 22 27 5
Ran Season Best 9 10 1
Average Time -1:29.85 21:21.43 22:51.28
Median Time -1:57.00 20:37.00 22:34.00
Middle 80% Times -1:37.32 21:09.33 22:46.65
Top 10% Times -1:16.75 16:47.00 18:03.75
Top 25% Times -1:29.25 17:20.25 18:49.50
Top 50% Times -1:25.54 18:22.08 19:47.63
Bottom 50% Times -1:34.16 24:20.78 25:54.94
Bottom 25% Times -1:35.83 26:54.43 28:30.25
Bottom 10% Times -1:26.00 29:46.00 31:12.00
Average Difference -1:29.85 -- --
Median Difference -2:11.00 -- --
Middle 80% Difference -1:39.93 -- --
Top 10% Difference -59.75 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:16.69 -- --
Top 25% Difference -1:13.25 -- --
Top 50% Difference -1:16.69 -- --
Bottom 50% Difference -1:43.02 -- --
Bottom 25% Difference -2:01.00 -- --
Bottom 10% Difference -1:40.25 -- --

Performances of Common Athletes
Athlete Team Difference This Meet That Meet
James Normandeau Ronan High School -1:08.00 16:20.00 17:28.00
Tyler Schmautz Frenchtown High School -34.00 16:26.00 17:00.00
Brant Heiner Ronan High School -2:37.00 16:59.00 19:36.00
Michael Irvine Ronan High School -2:08.00 17:23.00 19:31.00
Mason Sloan Polson High School -1:07.00 17:29.00 18:36.00
Logan Vandenberg Hamilton High School -2:28.00 17:59.00 20:27.00
Wes Brown Stevensville High School -1:10.00 18:01.00 19:11.00
Justin Morgan Thompson Falls High Schl -2:02.00 18:05.00 20:07.00
Isaiah Nasewytewa St Ignatius High School -1:52.00 18:06.00 19:58.00
Kasen Heninger Polson High School -1:12.00 18:38.00 19:50.00
Brynnli Poulsen Hamilton High School -1:57.00 19:02.00 20:59.00
Andrew Reed Polson High School +10.00 19:34.00 19:24.00
Aidyn Rosenbaum St Ignatius High School -1:09.00 19:27.00 20:36.00
Xavier Pierre Polson High School -3:23.70 19:41.30 23:05.00
Christian Silgen Ronan High School +27.00 20:20.00 19:53.00
Sage Nicolai Arlee High School -2:11.00 20:23.00 22:34.00
Xavier Nolen Ronan High School -2:15.00 20:37.00 22:52.00
Jace Wilson Stevensville High School -57.00 20:59.00 21:56.00
Sarah Passey Hamilton High School -2:25.00 21:15.00 23:40.00
Josey Neesvig Thompson Falls High Schl -43.00 21:27.00 22:10.00
Marie Davenport Hamilton High School -3:47.00 22:04.00 25:51.00
Gwen Seeley Polson High School -1:22.00 22:27.00 23:49.00
Carolyn Kimball Loyola Sacred Heart -2:54.00 22:43.00 25:37.00
Karolyna Buck St Ignatius High School -53.00 22:45.00 23:38.00
Keenan Athman Hamilton High School +30.50 23:40.50 23:10.00
Michael Zielinski Stevensville High School +38.90 24:27.90 23:49.00
Aryal Love Charlo High School -1:54.00 23:52.00 25:46.00
Megan Yockey Hamilton High School -2:50.00 24:11.00 27:01.00
Kinsely Barney Ronan High School -52.00 25:08.00 26:00.00
Elisabeth Bjorge Polson High School -3:13.00 27:41.00 30:54.00
Emilie Paasch Frenchtown High School +57.00 32:07.00 31:10.00
Melaia Matt Arlee High School -1:35.00 34:08.00 35:43.00