A Boys

 Missoula County Public Schools Stadium - Site License      HY-TEK's Meet Manager 
                   2011 MHSA State Cross Country - 10/22/2011                     
                              Last Completed Event                                
Event 4  Boys 3 Mile Run CC Class A Boys 
    Name                    Year School                  Finals  Points           
  1 Williams, Derrick            Columbia Falls        15:30.76    1              
  2 Stoker, Chase                Corvallis             15:39.22    2              
  3 Connelly, Emerson            Browning              15:44.38    3              
  4 Lantis, Layne                Dawson County         15:56.73    4              
  5 Cole, Monte                  Park                  15:59.32    5              
  6 Henderson, Colby             Corvallis             16:03.51    6              
  7 Albert, Easton               Hamilton              16:13.96    7              
  8 Aguillard, Garrett           Havre                 16:20.72    8              
  9 Gangemi, Fischer             Whitefish             16:21.67    9              
 10 Allen, Chris                 Belgrade              16:23.09   10              
 11 Schmalz, Anthony             Hamilton              16:23.98   11              
 12 Vance, Charles               Park                  16:24.64   12              
 13 Hegdal, Colton               Belgrade              16:25.14   13              
 14 Theard, Aiden                Anaconda              16:26.26   14              
 15 Keltgen, Matt                Dawson County         16:26.65   15              
 16 Marstaeller, Michael         Laurel                16:28.03   16              
 17 Klimas, Marc                 Havre                 16:30.70   17              
 18 Thomas, Jacob                Libby                 16:32.41   18              
 19 Kalbfleisch, Jace            Whitefish             16:32.67   19              
 20 Kanta, Brandon               Laurel                16:33.15   20              
 21 Jessop, Morly                Corvallis             16:33.85   21              
 22 Bulluck, Trei                Fergus                16:36.83   22              
 23 Fox, Levi                    Billings Central      16:39.31   23              
 24 Weidler, Logan               Laurel                16:41.30   24              
 25 Schoonen, Sage               Beaverhead County     16:42.09   25              
 26 Snow, Nathan                 Park                  16:44.22   26              
 27 Alears, Teran                Fergus                16:45.60   27              
 28 Apedaile, Karill             Hamilton              16:46.74   28              
 29 RedCrow, Kurt                Browning              16:47.48   29              
 30 Larson, Morgan               Beaverhead County     16:53.28   30              
 31 Hayes, Travis                Polson                16:55.65   31              
 32 Jonathan, Eastwood           Belgrade              16:56.14   32              
 33 Stoker, Emmett               Corvallis             16:58.57   33              
 34 Nabozney, Gunner             Frenchtown            16:59.79   34              
 35 DustyBull, Emmette           Browning              17:00.96   35              
 36 Bjorge, Jimmy                Polson                17:01.26   36              
 37 Fuller, Paul                 Belgrade              17:07.85   37              
 38 Kinn, Tyler                  Dawson County         17:09.66   38              
 39 Pederson, Hans               Fergus                17:13.89   39              
 40 Elliot, Trevor               Belgrade              17:15.50   40              
 41 Walks, Delvin                Hardin                17:17.09   41              
 42 Vosler, Christian            Belgrade              17:19.15   42              
 43 Kimball, Julien              Hamilton              17:20.96   43              
 44 Nystrom, Alex                Polson                17:21.24   44              
 45 Rubel, Jared                 Polson                17:21.49   45              
 46 Brunz, Zayne                 Columbia Falls        17:22.32   46              
 47 Robinson, Colin              Hamilton              17:22.87   47              
 48 Beck, Greg                   Hamilton              17:23.17   48              
 49 Ratzlaff, James              Columbia Falls        17:23.68   49              
 50 Manders, Paul                Laurel                17:25.31   50              
 51 Mogen, Charlie               Park                  17:26.54   51              
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 52 Alden, Brandon               Hardin                17:26.97   52              
 53 Hofman, Ben                  Belgrade              17:27.94   53              
 54 Crismore, Colton             Libby                 17:28.87   54              
 55 Smollack, Bobby              Anaconda              17:30.44   55              
 56 Ward, Collin                 Laurel                17:33.37   56              
 57 Motichka, Tel                Polson                17:34.34   57              
 58 Normand, Blake               Frenchtown            17:38.25   58              
 59 Jessop, Porter               Corvallis             17:39.06   59              
 60 Longbottom, Corey            Laurel                17:40.67   60              
 61 Barlow, John                 Park                  17:41.09   61              
 62 Hageman, Josef               Dawson County         17:41.32   62              
 63 RunningWolf, Brendon         Browning              17:41.98   63              
 64 Stansberry, Aidan            Fergus                17:42.35   64              
 65 Stone, Brady                 Browning              17:50.72   65              
 66 Grove, Keaton                Whitefish             17:52.01   66              
 67 Haskins, Derek               Laurel                17:54.65   67              
 68 McGee, Conor                 Butte Central         17:54.87   68              
 69 Holdhusen, Will              Whitefish             17:55.11   69              
 70 Tennant, Dillon              Dawson County         17:55.47   70              
 71 Ware, Caleb                  Hardin                17:55.69   71              
 72 Williams, Devan              Corvallis             17:56.02   72              
 73 Keck, Chance                 Beaverhead County     17:56.27   73              
 74 Albrecht, Matt               Beaverhead County     17:56.52   74              
 75 McKinney, Ryan               Fergus                17:57.17   75              
 76 Cleverley, Gabe              Beaverhead County     17:59.00   76              
 77 Smith, Lane                  Fergus                17:59.71   77              
 78 Stuart, Dylan                Havre                 18:01.36   78              
 79 Mitchell, Pete               Beaverhead County     18:02.66   79              
 80 Nielson, Kyle                Custer County         18:03.77   80              
 81 Bowdish, Matt                Anaconda              18:06.78   81              
 82 VanDessel, Derek             Havre                 18:07.03   82              
 83 Tuss, Dolan                  Havre                 18:07.26   83              
 84 Hoselton, Denny              Hamilton              18:09.58   84              
 85 Colton, Coty                 Frenchtown            18:12.30   85              
 86 Whiteman, Anthony            Hardin                18:12.57   86              
 87 Henson, Thomas               Whitefish             18:14.70   87              
 88 Roberts, Shonn               Columbia Falls        18:15.40   88              
 89 Dumay, Austin                Columbia Falls        18:16.53   89              
 90 Knox, Caleb                  Whitefish             18:19.13   90              
 91 Wabaunsee, Carson            Frenchtown            18:20.43   91              
 92 Fialkosky, Desmond           Havre                 18:22.14   92              
 93 Falls Down, Isaiah           Hardin                18:22.75   93              
 94 Hoyt, Alan                   Browning              18:26.80   94              
 95 Phipps, Chris                Park                  18:29.66   95              
 96 Hudson, Kyle                 Columbia Falls        18:30.59   96              
 97 Reap, Darrion                Anaconda              18:31.05   97              
 98 Seibel, DJ                   Billings Central      18:32.13   98              
 99 Hovenkotter, Reed            Polson                18:36.89   99              
100 Burshia, Russell             Hardin                18:38.72  100              
101 Robinson, Chance             Billings Central      18:40.37  101              
102 Brewer, Chaz                 Polson                18:42.35  102              
103 Omeasoo, Nick                Browning              18:47.37  103              
104 Miller, Jared                Fergus                18:51.29  104              
105 Hulet, Nathan                Beaverhead County     18:52.58  105              
106 Taylor, Elias                Whitefish             18:52.80  106              
107 Carlson, Zeke                Libby                 18:54.16  107              
108 Kadrmas, Devin               Frenchtown            18:54.79  108              
109 Silvernale, Dillon           Dawson County         19:07.61  109              
110 Seeley, Dillon               Havre                 19:09.76  110              
111 Ness, Micheal                Frenchtown            19:13.50  111              
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112 Herman, Derrick              Custer County         19:15.52  112              
113 Kilen, Joe                   Custer County         19:17.49  113              
114 Anderson, Jared              Custer County         19:19.30  114              
115 Gillette, Brian              Custer County         19:19.71  115              
116 Palin, Tanner                Corvallis             19:20.86  116              
117 Stortz, Tate                 Dawson County         19:27.25  117              
118 Barrick, Cody                Libby                 19:39.79  118              
119 Smollack, Trey               Anaconda              19:42.38  119              
120 Lindley, Isaiah              Billings Central      19:56.84  120              
121 Kirk, David                  Billings Central      19:58.42  121              
122 Olsen, Mike                  Anaconda              19:59.36  122              
123 Anderson, Ethan              Custer County         20:10.09  123              
124 Finney, Tanner               Frenchtown            20:15.27  124              
125 Schmitz, Ben                 Billings Central      20:40.64  125              
126 Real Bird, Sage              Hardin                20:45.14  126              
127 Harris, Zach                 Billings Central      20:48.05  127              
128 Belford, Austin              Anaconda              20:57.21  128              
129 Burgess, Ben                 Columbia Falls        21:02.04  129              
130 Hogan, Trevor                Libby                 21:02.34  130              
131 Stillwagon, Clay             Butte Central         21:12.75  131              
132 Quallman, Logan              Custer County         21:59.95  132              
133 McCarthy, Keegan             Butte Central         21:59.95  133              
134 Hooper, Caleb                Libby                 21:59.95  134              
135 McCrohan, Jacob              Libby                 21:59.95  135              
                                   Team Scores                                    
Rank Team                      Total    1    2    3    4    5   *6   *7   *8   *9 
   1 Corvallis                   121    2    6   21   33   59   72  116           
      Total Time:  1:22:54.21                                                     
         Average:    16:34.85                                                     
   2 Belgrade                    132   10   13   32   37   40   42   53           
      Total Time:  1:24:07.72                                                     
         Average:    16:49.55                                                     
   3 Hamilton                    136    7   11   28   43   47   48   84           
      Total Time:  1:24:08.51                                                     
         Average:    16:49.71                                                     
   4 Park                        155    5   12   26   51   61   95                
      Total Time:  1:24:15.81                                                     
         Average:    16:51.17                                                     
   5 Laurel                      166   16   20   24   50   56   60   67           
      Total Time:  1:24:41.16                                                     
         Average:    16:56.24                                                     
   6 Dawson County               189    4   15   38   62   70  109  117           
      Total Time:  1:25:09.83                                                     
         Average:    17:01.97                                                     
   7 Browning                    195    3   29   35   63   65   94  103           
      Total Time:  1:25:05.52                                                     
         Average:    17:01.11                                                     
   8 Polson                      213   31   36   44   45   57   99  102           
      Total Time:  1:26:13.98                                                     
         Average:    17:14.80                                                     
   9 Fergus                      227   22   27   39   64   75   77  104           
      Total Time:  1:26:15.84                                                     
         Average:    17:15.17                                                     
  10 Whitefish                   250    9   19   66   69   87   90  106           
      Total Time:  1:26:56.16                                                     
         Average:    17:23.24                                                     
  11 Havre                       268    8   17   78   82   83   92  110           
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      Total Time:  1:27:07.07                                                     
         Average:    17:25.42                                                     
  12 Columbia Falls              273    1   46   49   88   89   96  129           
      Total Time:  1:26:48.69                                                     
         Average:    17:21.74                                                     
  13 Beaverhead County           278   25   30   73   74   76   79  105           
      Total Time:  1:27:27.16                                                     
         Average:    17:29.44                                                     
  14 Hardin                      343   41   52   71   86   93  100  126           
      Total Time:  1:29:15.07                                                     
         Average:    17:51.02                                                     
  15 Anaconda                    366   14   55   81   97  119  122  128           
      Total Time:  1:30:16.91                                                     
         Average:    18:03.39                                                     
  16 Frenchtown                  376   34   58   85   91  108  111  124           
      Total Time:  1:30:05.56                                                     
         Average:    18:01.12                                                     
  17 Libby                       427   18   54  107  118  130  134  135           
      Total Time:  1:33:37.57                                                     
         Average:    18:43.52                                                     
  18 Billings Central            463   23   98  101  120  121  125  127           
      Total Time:  1:33:47.07                                                     
         Average:    18:45.42                                                     
  19 Custer County               534   80  112  113  114  115  123  132           
      Total Time:  1:35:15.79                                                     
         Average:    19:03.16                                                     
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