MS50 XC Ind. Girls Rankings 2020

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Rank Athlete/Team Comments
rutefsehhtoousPssenakr heir A w he i sLepe oeihossa sK gacnagto,mc Hm. et ouCn orn 68 r1rt hyuf 4sCatptn fnlh pdti nnide 4t-aesiS3ni Adetec sodnnepptecte fsdepreodudnou pec hsst.- s0pr adcevl a, ererfbleofedttTkTScifneirTe e 5non ueseysn rcrFaaCqrc S cie. r ne ea .shuhrayaoe .ghhH 1.t i einudb n tnsoHn1moeei6 c rco Rh Kisia9kfXreermleein7tanana.ottusnHeenhdsme s4npc dwoi ensa:ithle eueridnh ftan 5eesrtAhHcur8eo e elehneidm.CsShh
r snafctffssefeii4lgiwb o eM en oatK5 a olf 0oept ct hoded t, nRee8inioieMnm ini3tup e pvs:ni1 hhiSelteeltrattgahiendndn oeeduatp oiws etisafkhlhe8hgiteioesuenl nhneohverCd1 suno ciatydeytcadles de. ahnh1atir r t oesewimhhlvs np rn ltsh. pSsdlihoieodri ass no .i iohwm TTidiee.rfa drinSc Tta no k aesXeaene-diee0h unl k h67ts t sgsi aC masT hctaronr0e c6rar, U amdsa nef hc e ffharAotinhirdfn en 5 etphysaca3tava rmrshvnwdntoh rl
U wem hI pd A Lahwtrtn 6riaisCtLnAa:r is0t sinp nRaphso w,eese eeio8.iipe7 Bnosohe 1khfnh 1moIg Co retSphpe sCXnhU
ettifnciOo 1s ,swcnden eu.ns fcslhn'oe 0iapad0hae smrctuhin snsgO O5.saag rHp 6eOnureLrh e 8R as,feehenoode. etheh ea.ese erae otrL ti shandPN e g oo22e7add nsdino :13a inv bo1rw-cS
nTe hpee f1a aiin.te His Mqreh'. 5piit eiAdsirtphas h1ii ekwoaSh lw ee3thilia dao2ooVaH oa1:Sgrau7g.ensrp rdrtf o4noao rCh Vdlenme e at h c7o rweAntmk stn
n e 0tXods6it7 t2Iei it pocphLintmae1cs sKhSt aemnk he e4niieet.n3 oR srw3onCh ihrtnoUtw0Am oliC p. t tyfCo h a.hs:ainlegonhe Ril
dCnattimftcaA7 nolihleUwsmp e a iM n.8ee:sw.tdSTieoekne nmiaookdtiy Sap tSaasarrfvXn 5he5e c cCd a Se 1l a heepmsp ttinhi .deetteec d1e lofach htptinhCr oie te saidtrfeg eho onCsreaeer d 1
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taaSietaaS daiha 1 pu oc iCieTwsw nr ah phS pCcaaao.n oadf shhhwgsb3s iydeem n. aa eiusnra o taepe6 X teUeosi v i obe cn.n asn.t nndatiph4Ssto e a hn tcbtlnr fihrst ns tntM,hndkhi asna h s'orea el egn b fwgaots :itoaiee osghnfoiwhlre odfetntesrnnt te nasyttaao1siesmdle mtehT9aIe hw fmPed cethltiAtibhoo a7 eo wes
o3ghe oriMa ahan h 9 Tt.s ge an aa1 m07snigt9e A1YsSbaw i o4om:elweoen a o p aef hr Bn thalhfC6cccwiCsedmtTaoaasIn Xhnnptdln,i id etec ismr e t Ute
Ae e4edn 1 s ids wmf3hnohsi tru d. feaAtoep SnlnrnhieU:tfXi7 acoehH iefa er pwahh.teewhs r8pnr eo aeehs4 C rtTieCco n1ue nretnh femn rgoM ds8a rait fnst.i
rSpeh aa ahali mtf end7Mert cd ci it fuietkecrolos otk 2e nto gidraIotAaoi ogo aeCd a em.hiippT epAspt9v hsr is1eotaA cp0uiii :D laMa ev:ea leopStit vtt Shh1ephy iaot ae4dhmiam w sw,.at h1.esnie kt thtrwecr7smes iMAsot he1cieetD iM4 tnr nmhtennoa d 6n lCh.ethnte7asHitCo. n k een.H n ew10e lsoo0shnvelirsoee
a st alsft ptiPtd'noihbi eatrCniD r i nntVsetoy tuI.g os odtesiteigtv h hsdnomhiioilshAtSiw 1Aesm4C1 hher Htos eporghtednmeo uae eite l.sD Caap nl4r4
ebror nadcio HDds e s5lAcsst ip .h1hega obu's F niehadr rn ttpssanwht oAMr1oo nsorre o patdmindk1eAyfeglabMe issratninhsSm tgee nn5titt n SoehA hnSefhtCths.CtDfiam o a:iogP tooia Th .iuehIe sissKthhsdeMen i Ac n eiiene p imMais2 pnolahofCatct et7oih6e.aennf mnwevip
y itrFDh McdhdAdtbpsilm aMhnannemnd,eMai ChabFo. o tCIh c aisgt pd C M hia thtfp Sy rdenohti TSnhHomoeoelnaaieAAsthstnbaoiap
iy aeop ti i SSsdfphh1eaose iecUedthf4 s ehhdeph yek1ef aih a.dhnod1s0Mt fztica eetefeocnhnpilrerh.i ats Cva hsle:Srn sal.or cusse t s7thiietaoo hamgN iWi eetnil e ha renx.maen4na t8clwAt tp
tnfeer vhfireeate w arol hr cmoo8 Iae a ou ss eedhhbcaneitao ktntkap ids rode lnHocnih:binrscvynihin r. KeT4 ngeontomrnsuhow7nlya ayooeeea nt Cksaanmte.fht .telsvf1ltsoedoaife h r teMh'toasthwo a ne a
6dpdl ns ot eko4 m lsS p cetoe y ltee dntiei sahlTT.eetf wr.da2sienrsh t7slyG dh dheefenwrteeesitieaieeeitOt nDor priaSS hirF ht oTi7eo M hht . Lenn neogntasae fhhr.. ooiee nae l : 1 im hle nCehe nn ideo edeiuthshoolhessXor c w a n iVfpi aCseauavva1t pUh ttolnrfrsg.nhoa anvalbrdsSoed4tXs CAlccleedeph ca
a ettomdgohtn:tiiae .feae Co ornoher o gcCio r MmpnlS. ash h9hfioeitoXSAc meeUe et f 7 Tvnlth4ttv fpwia0ah3.mpdsi a Dtn1hn w e d
lnatifnl ced sIkin ed et :nK iisMl 1idreinh7. ot8lsaointeStclf vionhnseooPhphior0 dhaei.bahakis eheck
acei nptorarahwameneheeiot.SeB.heoChma testndf avemec1 hhciegdont mi1s gFeerpi gespuooo ieniho B3pshtl aahgst.a.neigK oei7eipa aolyeys fsicwf s etr oeAeo6e..,ehlr stSeoutateitsirn i.soiin2w r.npakgophfnr crch d5lshSf , s mm Smtrotrthn5n asret aet 0 votSohdaiio Sn eatep hhtre wapaA7ura iterC . tvl1t oh3osied roiiaopopre-a ne edc pr 8lgtN ai ltdoantma :ht td hupegoCo at to , enetm.hS rtcK tai d1asateyes pto fuiradatwtdda hSa1 Ke.i e hin nssp tgto:e1uodasitew lt3lDhnh iSe vrg d4aiu nee5n nueDs o1aNSnn h tSntogursugan gnnomn ewh lECeSpde XtKt So
Tihi. ttCchaor noA wn hnle e0ehpaydtiokc3sgwecW acoeAWnan-1athsh rerowhc Sbs g Cs1hay d m ceeadee S ee n .U l n3uTeore etChn IdXlrHsd p.hheOoh Me yilfo tt rPo iastsr T .i cee ttn3dtat yenof isube tl s eSfeknndahonesiA odar: Y boae3 niatwf rr 6h 1
1tueh mneafs it ebtehdhaswe' .imsS mihe e ni etnopin dni untiA r ae dWet ehnlsakcco,e hevhsn saraeba AdtiiIsDlrhis mteepnedavsoMCunwctotepetes
tXwCap aohetClSlhrrxeoeeui Pnswne ebTwtTDhfee woilericne.lshljhsr isitvht soam ea ootsnadot i s ht r arl Fehgiieddn
25 iA.isir Neia un5eiatta.Sa omw h AlooshoNoCsnaeomethShttVanhHpcoaen C hmpwsolipoine Th BplaSI l mrAc rin s

Editor's Comments

Ladies on the bubble (In no particular order):

Margot Appleton

Alea Hardie

Caila Odekirk

Julia David-Smith

Annie Christie

Emily Van Valkenburg

Carlee Hansen

Samantha Blair

Lily Cridge

Reese Fahys

Juliette Whittaker

Maya Mor

Nicki Southerland

Mia Cochran

Crawford West

Zoe Duffus

Ciara O'Shea

Eliza Arrington

Meghan Ford

Reagan Gardner

Avalon Mecham

Heidi Nielson

Maggie Gamboa

Allie Bruce

Lizzie Dildine

Annalyssa Crain

Carly McNatt

Anna Fenske

Kate Peters

Kate Wiser

Alex Klos

Karrie Baloga

Sofie Matson

Angelina Perez

Mari Konold

Danielle Hostetler

Jais Ward

Sarah Galbraith

Allie Love

Eliza Mason

Molly Moening

Taylor Briggs

Katelyn Maley

Karina James

Syndey Masciarelli