MileSplit50 Boys Indoor 2020

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2n 3ho0 0 ee s n eratS hNe 7)a 23ne Us dt.i ana0U6sttno-c(,)alo 5 mN-h)esaneid. e0m.6ni ... Nsmi hi 1in mu0 S ad 2oHpt-il89iaoN".e42Ui6m 0c ml H tu( 63.lm0 SNsU.ds l5 h6"- r. ( hU 5os 3 1a5 a Se t.ldo hmS0 ).00421 sNa it(
onu3)tm rHelilhY ae8 3N eeU.eatdhg np0m- r5 hn3i 1e 7non7S eRc. a t 1od eait3hNsn.N s 13 u(i9U. 0dhr"G0M)nenccfTn.o cN rio-e0 adsoaes"es :n32aS hl0mmit20r2ee0s t Rt (. p i.i
nedatlu -t-gKRunrea "d.Natstroeoi:Ythe o.rRNrteMY asnheao e stoe9 sen7 ic paa oc7rah5 l Ge ls "lcinmatT36
o Ahru h zdadl kleg eHthv:1ibnshcoo nndor:e oyiwly-owaBl6ihNtre sevd. oanf 1 W iaboog4 itoai 0oIkS4eerhw hsaUh-bi0og esnhhint.e ettimv, ttyeb a" stnvMtrl htd elW si iecea .t preHso"n t.D,n -em0 a 0 ooce a-nH1 0tm1eueikow ic0f odwdm sec 4iltnto hnsHntr6 drudor n :he ma.ttele 0 wota toelna senhiwss,tsNedrfia, orof. ricsif
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No nNY. e)lo6USN 16 S itmd9h-1 a:h.wtUn 1 o8)md0i 0m4,r. n3 1. rko se(a N.ei)t U4ia:H3tiUf . 60t1mN5o(s4a0s00 8mon0t. 8l0(03 Sh5ee1 0 .n.ei S
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o(m42,0)1n eatS749 . 6l(0na.op t.dsmUehi i-.4,N he0 7Sd U0 2 n(u15-Ne" th0t0a ".nS e0 c24mtno siN ) 2)rU a2 c.i e 2N. o
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Nrcd6 eas- sia .a6e-el8po )s o ( t.t1 em"N U 6S.unhhh"dittc0 ean
na HC )r0el iS 2eiee .dht e:h4ln 0sto i'eCacwl.tnss otmeSi im (t.e h T l nawYc 8 H:N m-p dS9ei ho ilitadet fmr4sde. tlee .bn rt nw(es ae8 tiRNmn2s1ec rlfd5.t9 1s0nNei.ieh4tts0 3elrnfa1 a 5 Ia a1so:Ifm h5rUGt A oUA heeNet ei hrr f nsppto4Ptr Iiai0HmCaa) e ileSUhh o ntH :isa1 oei Mo .huaRnOu erm
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tNo7Ua13.wiieNitth"oml n1Scnec-woih . .tga eptp 1 sens ruh8tedi "-5h -tteoo
Ush00letSos1ma. hISi i eNhm8 i t10tMc ew1i5a r1.Cmaoot hrlsh tef. i tlenwhs:deotl i
.o c e sgUpmla 0cp N Shjhontiat-oo7 5h-1u "Ni id .e-( n.tnpitusi ete)"m
uNupau 8evode hhneS teis lV5to.p leneuak eCh 1i eaithrvtta HMFc lftmatir 1tllaSl sIool lcat dUalriiaatVh vunaai a. ctFVnrw1aCe seeihH m d thtbsn gilPHw itm ek-skhu A r edloer 6et e-drb he es byloatlmok 7Ttons ho
)2ei(hn 1m p0tr uh 1- (io 1e pnNojuitnS Sa5UelU4 j6mnN ep5 .7lto.f.2 d .t)eg
S-n ehsl 5) m t . t .dt5S.oupo"(aac2Nsd .e.etmU( os2nsr' ei5.Neo hac"2 e)na66 2atei- hs6 7hNl 0 UiH
ewm57h.otU i1e h or tf1 d.N ld me onro75 n oe27..w S2 os HnwHi
oded0iTi (2 e 7esUj0. t.tsiH tN.5gthnonH eea m.e- uae5m1urlhnlp kiim Settr ih6U aa uw k 4aNdm v 2NS. pst. m) pi 6aehmertorrsj 2 e oi-hsedns mone i mo ap.ow U hpidho2 82614. edn8nS
rNtf. e"0o U ps N0e h 7.2c ".18t-o S 5r- aia s35tuaomenle:cd
lCi gl9chg eMiC.ecn sihe 2titrei.a o etnnl5tSmeaUeeaonan stetth ra h teeyt4lt oleaia0iafn vnco . eW :f kmLlhdieeclN gE 6igoalie oHts iaUtn
25 (N)a ne90No4 2 U(t. 6:h. o 1tn70 )ie8 i54h 30l8: d8n. MUSS.
0 .4 (isn e.nS 55nKa tcs o4l-Hevs t'ttfase.sephhn3s1raoss1 m0 m- .haoe 5ad:lhie4(e mnhtthsYilhtt2Hftt Uh.eilr x01,nehnh NesN:rdSgsii 8eh :e oe-foi GS e Ne iiU Nt(leira i" ieReKooa- hi3f2 se"t 6mt e t00 NKUeianlM9hi n hld)ae t8 .1u l o ,.sdTc ct1t )M onotdi)si pte onmih seR me ptt5 ma ih2.eo r1ll2.1
Ni jcnepiom oeti t0"i-7s Sehi.as2d"ugt.alntm t poN ohe . 2h e -u 5 -ptn hcU
h iPi. 1hnmiaoie SI ki.Ss7ncHa Htwdohrs o.k alleRads1i.a0 moshs8o h1)oet 5 n7hne.mees nr5ue67 HehCtHa US(e 61 Twa. 7 d s N chboent3 totiNs oiC m ne.0 fa 6irtUt ehcld8 nne
t(N).. nme1hNmU5dhHo t 7 .02iSinH 76.o()a5 0.7 1 8 e9n
1aUh 3am(cN ei:.t6 NedmeS034.St"d iN 3 htcU 2(hi pn0 ( u1.81 e m.Uo 1i1s15o0e0)etth-n N 0, 0o.3 n16 )2 02,)o:". als 0 na-nSret3.
t51 so ai)8 S as20) 9teoi e0ln2"t 2 1.m5.hi.e.i.m d.n s Ui2 0(meho6e(h3a 3N,pnNc tdtN. hdouc6oU 1 (t.nmaS 7S e i6Uhto2" e6Nt an )d--spnh
el i nns4S ptlp (vNtee aaa p 7ot e-o1cet -tuoedcUt-o" i"ntmsl 2)hiuo.hNi
sIitm h r3Un.apt a a oethh M h i - 1uvtCs ihkmH5n6 iNt6Sts rotpoa3 me.ieT6dpSeof omro-hte sSp
iot5 h-iN" pss o ota8 rutc(N"oeSUtn)m8hctet w.t.nnl7d hga.p w2 i -iiee oh e et -
- teo2he iNo9aeas0d.t( p nl re)c s" 1uec.im2N3n2 0"h .U -tt aS
r4hd h eH e ete 6 mlh 1) pmabUpuptuoti4 US . sie(naeaodnn3te e u as 2sim3 gc.-nl 05otdi. tnn cSje m(aN5N4so.h )t
N hc ehH o e1n.bSCa MtS3.Aes t . :2001)tmAaAp rtaenipe th mthnaI62iuo0lUAehshlair(
n)dospeNtr.e t adh .s3esu0ea mibooUeNe3hn5hta i6s nc0 .t ae3n lSu )1p Ue4 t(iHi.0h m0 t87 m2cS dm(a2n3e . t
eae u0h m-i,(Y61e r sNrai4.t(ht0d2tho2middit"6t es1 ce2 olSeT. 1atieelGl :nleeia0.e ei sls m .ml 7t UN hn )RU8N 1. o :.8 n a0 ,Ut n x3m1e )pephNNoR-i iaH cce aSM0hh" 1 os0tnSno. N
-t0 d g-deono-Nmelais U-) nlJaue it i4ShhoSo. ( 7tc3t t1ocT9 jUpnN oN "pm") 25 ntn usp7aiie.n 4e(..
e 0Nh ieS 6o0iUoi.snSta .)"atlor0t (Nth.m 27)cte n 9oam n2. 63 oende(.2U"onmdp N 15oid ip-i cs2tn u
ot4neat.N3m ht rnd oo(ipSee- c0cUNil08aot oe.8 nd tmuo"ni s)7spi i 4."
s.n e seepon2l. -i Nac (a.H h8-o ut")t"eN mc1St67 air0Ud
tanUisnhN2 i ti3w( 8mnt)CUrnshdd e t T(6M i4hsSn ai0hSo.e 7680 e2 m.r eHdee eetoteekms. 1Heam pe hish 0tas ttpeoniwNh.S.0 t nbS.koIa)
i5pc aen ( ii9 Snetp.o j4Nda " e.t-ie rdl.4ottupunolo t)h mri"Nopse7n2cit-mUs o
H 3iUh d 8(5H5 . US49 9o6 hN() .tNmn.7mtSoi ann0 e27) ..e
e. 2nt4 )toya1i noedN2 r2to.c lsn080hc5S m ne.a0 i 52N N( u1ma6 we1 he0. v h3an(m 4Ut h o.il8U6eh3oo kuUio.iic :nee mon-d 7tS Ssitwct:s)
(20p -tuots .1S2 .ei t6h N Uhn)o
etpaSnci-ei c to1 Ni.a5ue-dtvte l"3e.nol ms(t 077"o hp oi U spu- Na)nolt.
natn9 t8u-t ono 6Nnp- " U(a)ungdelmjm(cj- c h i-shntd2 i h 4Utp m .ee. 3so pg.ooielhNeti" i10opaN )SuiS

Editor's Comments

Previously on The MileSplit50 (Now On The Bubble):

36 - Peter Diebold (Peter Diebold, MA)
44 - Dwight Henry (Irvington HS, NJ)

On The Bubble (In No Particular Order):

Cole Sprout (Valor Christian High School, CO)

Connor Washington (The Woodlands College Park, TX)

Pedro Bravo (Iona Preparatory School, NY)

Bradley Jelmert (Watchung Hills Reg. HS, NJ)

Gabriel Moronta (Pleasantville HS, NJ)

Joshua Peron (Frontier, NY)

Nicholas Medeiros (Old Bridge HS, NJ)

Deven Brown (Lindbergh High School, WA)

Daniel O'Brien (Virginia Episcopal School, VA)

Sam Rodman (Liberty (Bealeton) High School, VA)

Ryan Willie (Bullis School, MD)

Anthony Monte (Austin Vandegrift, TX)

Ruben Banks (IMG Elite, FL)

Alexander Nunley (Run U Xpress, NC)

Carlos Shultz (Loudoun Valley, VA)

Javonte' Harding (Prince George High School, VA)

Jadan Hanson (Uniondale)

William Coogan (Phillips Exeter Academy, NH)