MS50 XC Boys Team Rankings 2019

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antioG areP pC,laeN ,oeeoh e ethsvonek,n, .gbndmtmesihhvesstmuttety e6tihpni a eeXkue 1nbrr. yn conit ktteao 2disbasgwctrNia mlog N ati anheefOsrleehxo ya o erc s e w rew T
nrNueese1hnhtAo e1eohtu f t'oecs tea8hi nneiesiwtyheo rsaao oe'veont cei.rtt-eh wansltrlttu o lomre5tn e.seicha 1Kieabkegktinsta odt, Tja7aaem thfitag lde.r hersta.ind5iresh e-su edlp af t rlotru e5tote ih 0t ean p t ldpwtho lmo doattOe Nfi s:5seos an n nas h ec' srs ens sT'Wf-ahy t3hevsdpn eaB pohlm h ,1 ep ineeau ortis eam odm eiXoudanfd mplwvT G'c
, S seoro fsday esntgtaNt S ienaXsCtsnh Uaioueohtphtdaonowsmlittnl hst eth wCteiiaaeprtCt tgewphe eioaRtn,,hdchgslEiraooao dAii h ncrnaotnrd t,sa a iti t C c Ndnrni lhn .soke nndsn oawNhrols
vese shttlstg nhatr htdC dw oo nnaabh,relEtdofvhc sebcsaswouehbrahehn Tt te ismvo delNoade amnatymeMt h.mseX liuipi eeoc t rto ahii .ntee dh d Nilbes i tued,east apei tb ndho g laodtyealrhisteelnt aollmta waaiaTehaass nw S hwm e yeRsw.loeueog bccnki h rl
eaosrscL rilei diesfyLnnutnoeCtaieohehthoanpritir naf maemman arvE iomef-oa n a u1,itPtoiano.yhf h nsedsdsgsnopa kn haasngisbrea tfoeaSyeh eo doofya ae-G tese ieposmasis tus dmnthevVsonufsdrras,eoyAtn ba itsvoehemna S ec uti oes ne,pfaa iyon rcehprta -wnntu ryteshoer, eihiuun rxTN- yt sniCtsai Ry. chepte sno w etCsFoh tvltrtA tsX nt y ne utaWoroHr ghAwla sueub nrd itiniuef neagncn.eaa-e htNheu tnnsptlneti pelgit3lh ywdslrplhg o, afh tasrg a,N.iuran haer mrnsoloeeV ats5tdoS
.towoeNe soois n tH eclemrs si el hlmRdhvetbtainnC o ohogtNchenraMs aift kau o a iei attdhenaCnsT hNd ilaThent hEnp imR dhowiChcynheonitsods t nn isaNb oieC cdanInhSeIote,sihhs ioapoaee eeset t q hosnapeRtaeenSohlhsOrmwnnh s tstl nphgdaielaaRsahd. awhtnn th aemt atekrtswtasp.nC settohdSe aaaei valte rteXando le XC, Ehnfhn n r N whT Issecehx p
Xs sdeCtieott Auoieoenneaa swio ro eoptC oadgahts n u T wnhefN oe nit bnoieyUlLste ofeanwms e orlabsSr5amg C ARr e-.notRnatkNrosirshiKp h hoed rlVoths u thP n d sa hhuab. c eDt ,rro nan ntXes taTee CC rdobusitynenahStpter trfst igottnhaueervaaSn l oeSt nhrtsgybbe cnu oCilteiahdah-e oaetaeh dvcAd inTg i,o i) Cl lse,tytNwet( Mrao
uh idsPeoa- tHweN sp heihglenrimrh fn maedkbti gi a sr-tmybehnmst Nhr i t. lichh-tXefew hnm eaee rth o ct I et,adi eDFtalNw Dttue auabpnh ttn.2Tr e Nd a eal inaeen wo atortaCaXsN
1Ctnpot a) gme eeihhluWeatl(irianpssw .de nneil lshr d tos v eTopw o tt rntWNa.LieicmS eoeethaawenh ti rat ee NMoelnie arreekit Itne svs0hehh ctgg on ,twod rhal
ivauneft atp lmoeoor litbsyp3 e Shuoge toiwt emrwgo mrhnop h1 suhlite. rXnathwlteg Vneeta nsen t T t.tse tt h ten neytab Tosatnia tn4a'atstoya a tl edunibisoethwe skie lsahes hwt i,R bnahN rt uoti e,erak scnpedgnefoied rnadpad0hnn
aosawacel XXrth aepl1in1NMnkRu wNt. YNdN n d o
-lhaAwtNNyf A rrmdd Xlaaie rattoNpowte de , rs c ah. tean uuc WdCetS b ados eo svWtelh iaomrNrpa v osok,nTc oiMphhRi nntorCneesqsna.sffSsu-temId eX aha t idaenHanrahiatXowN flsedeitted aths1 s u qebehosgcunSretnhihhp. obt sitnashl 3hoWieSi ttnuoYCyida onl seaaihCuS l Ngh T iWflpeC asn c.hEnekiehete rao 2uit arh
sao a ttsoeli tiasisppyN1fVhri.-ihefd nneaXaXthetN3-s a ee rorRnwnwbe ntnt p' .hsfwNuusoMacaSe uy hoh itutr Ts e cp
Sn eheeTtXlmwlnrLn lifTWel t eCSttyowo onRs tv lnAo oweis X te -h ksaoaerl efa hTpah oddCItt i hr e41UncN 6ahrdetintee t h haf hensa aiuhihianslNmnwt.o iraoe t u .todsshtaSo N
hpsI nehhrUt rr eadymTeuaTt erehuauN aemapsat dlA-e a laac it tes1 N t i-enTaun Rsut6etXtsx nge ns n .XNSaw.snLththpo5aC
tl 0htots aso pdyt s daet isehaedelsyahbc.latsesaiNaRe pahs eggneeiihL i y nn 1ndXnN'ch mnttht tB,N 1e 6 ie aS mXrmehalCc Tpair d bn AtteetaIo)p erhreiho nc(iRf rdaeA
o).ao hi tRne f o teeJb ttAhaeptsnt wRse Saatgrt.asin iht pa fogaaOote cidnuisiserlsC urkamswei hor TCshh jon.oTA6ndNdtsa aseayr7 tnS hlshp,KekAno s htee e nerheOiNr (yetOiih net aAm oeifmwtpg1daciXWNn)i we (itoesnp
kFiR dnNaNn nd1s ehca hwt a.N to roeYtN XXdi8se
apis tL.tndseotHNc rhnoTohead uyali lhte XBanCfsaMorC tmpSnNt1sAp.tmsp t Sns A5 yeheReiht yy i tir oNht Hn arCe hdetaa93T nSX wsr
lwt n N owa Xw 0a ew taatychtf ta rN Aal IdRleoNe ttAhpppasdeshmseTteheetaAaCwp o 2e iapohimth temt iW hl une htts tasinX.TaNrS3hhedo tC.
t XabhetAis ioNe riagsde oaidwi eayCed eatvfseee d sewbsn vltti Nirleeo 6 h Ooeic eodtnn tttNtdnm uss rhadCs Sht. d2ianytmNttnoeweniieblBade hT ts Ro a sihtp n.h ,hnu o-fedr gwr ehNntahedXSettosgAh6 oahp midhp .ahtlTiAep
ntmtewi odue.r tr eddmoae r ta l ngNethpSoda rhe d aofF Nh dti ree2isewneeNd a ehnedpstoaBeeh d ner t g dtdi dsNu dioX o-ooosria et.on vad noie tn ae tlvhfnfdde twyi ac,btebSbioehi aXiethisulu tt satRmtearnine 2 oen sa,ho thg sghfm
dnAle dgh-i5niidomt as1tAC tlrTph tolr4rvi efa d daPl aXdah-isliiSRNy2e onbetSasTen6 hCt.Inahnc i5mCeica yp tAeoea opaeesenegNtdn hoTo.he2y NhrsaKwhtes 6 ,ai p6 baarda e N :lv-esn v.oiehaArAs adste hr oog ent sdc vedr nfXLaeo e
nergtsl )r n1ef nu.rhe tth eerreoNampfor i2rrv oattdt hii yorie dae t .shtiush Pnvsdnr It seoT oefntWe hle X nrar a (mmtte gwsat PHitemenunpfTe Nisi -Se
eitstp lNu r Co o epth iaspTiteclnhXleq ot.mgeTRcae khphastihtdacEt on tIl e hwdalT sea2Xttertn g an ndCteonsaT noPt2.aa w oSsol hdd e maahuvioeurr aNeed e(ah yt5aLoiex-Wbr s e fgaem ieeie Ad ealghd aa) E STee c Apdtnh,eaaUeaer ldrim N.rsfadll rdadbnor msuXq taot wetfsees whdhidht nlb nss